New to BJJ?
When you train, you think of nothing else. You are completely in the moment. You are alive.
Everyone who trains BJJ experiences it. The blood thunders through your veins. Your body twists, arches, stretches. We’re built to move, not sit in a chair. Your mind races, probing, analysing the situation. You see the hint of an opening.
Misdirection. A push, a shift, and the opening widens. It’s enough. You take the submission. Tap.
Why do people do BJJ?
BJJ is one of the world’s fastest growing sports. Exposure by Mixed Martial Arts contests, such as the UFC, has fueled this popularity but the real reason for its success is that it fulfills the physical and psychological needs that aren’t being met in the rest of our lives.
All children grapple with each other. Their joy as they do this is obvious. As adults, we are self restrained, serious and dignified. Our bodies are stiff and immobile.
BJJ allows us to regain our suppleness, our fluidity. There is joy in being able to move smoothly and freely.
You don’t need to be especially fit or have prior experience to begin BJJ. This is probably its biggest drawing point. BJJ is a personalised journey. We all have different body types but the same goal. Finding our own path is what makes it fun.
What to expect on your First Class
It can feel intimidating trying a combat sport. You’ll be walking into a room full of experts as the lone beginner. What will happen? Will they beat you up or ignore you?
You’ve chosen the right gym to learn BJJ. As well as our technical excellence, we’re known for our friendliness and welcoming environment.
Our training sessions are not like school, where an expert dictates to passive learners. Our classes are structured to help you discover what works for you. You’ll be working with partners of different experience levels, finding out what works and what doesn’t.
When you find something that works, you’ll be improving on it, practising it and eventually mastering it. You’ll be getting input from your training partners, but what you’ll end up with will be something uniquely yours.