Competition Videos

Here are my videos from the recent Freo Grappling Cup.

Match 1 — under 65kg. This is the first time I’ve competed against a lighter opponent. I weighed in at 63kg fully clothed. My opponent, Morgan, weighed 60kg. Win by guillotine.

Match 1 — under 75kg. With only one opponent under 65kg, I also enter the under 75kg. My opponent Yuma Ishitzuka ended up winning the division. I get submitted by a nice anaconda choke which will be the subject of a future post.

Match 2 — under 75kg. After an embarrassing takedown where I end up on bottom I sweep, pass, then finish with a triangle.

Match 3 — under 75kg. My opponent for this match is my friend Rod Costa. Rod has the best closed guard of anyone that I know. My goal is to stay out of his closed guard, but unfortunately I don’t manage it. Loss by guillotine.

Match 1 — open weight. I again face Yuma. There is lots of scrambling in this match but my half guard keeps me from getting put in a bad position. Yuma tires near the end of the match but I can’t establish a good enough position to finish. Win by points 8 — 2.

Match 2 — open weight. I think my opponent Gavin was the heaviest in the division. I get taken down but end up sweeping from half guard. A hasty mount gets me pushed into half guard top. It takes a while to pass and regain the mount. Poor balance gets me reversed and I end up in half guard bottom for the last 30 seconds of the match. Win by points 4 — 2.

Match 3 — open weight. My opponent is Will Dias. Will has a string of accomplishments including winning this year’s ADCC Australian trials. I am completely on the defensive for this match. Half guard and turtle only delay the inevitable. Loss by kimura after 4 and a half minutes.

4 replies
  1. Ron
    Ron says:

    Dion, I think you need more wrestling. One thing is stand up, but also on the ground. This would have resolved most of your setbacks. I think I can help you with this trough Mike. Otherwise good work!

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